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  • About Regional Banks / Outline of Regional Banks

About Regional Banks / Outline of Regional Banks

Outline of Regional Banks

The 61 regional banks in Japan, as leading banks in their regions, serve the diverse financial needs of local clients such as individuals, companies, and local governments, through a dense branch networks and ATMs in their regions.

In order to contribute to strengthening industrial competitiveness in their regions, the regional banks also support business improvement and business expansion of client companies by demonstrating their consulting services.

Moreover, in order to provide stable financial service, even when facing various changes in environment, regional banks work to strengthen corporate governance for maintaining sound management and reinforcing financial bases. Regional banks also comply with international banking regulations.

Outline of Regional Banks

¥332 trillion
Loans and bills Discounted
¥257 trillion
¥78 trillion
Capital stock
¥2,570 billion

(Notes)1.Source: Regional Banks Association of Japan
(Notes)2.The figures are rounded off(as of the end of March 2024)

List of the 61 regional banks in Japan (in Japanese)

Brochure introducing the Regional Banks

Regional Banks in Japan /Regional Banks Directory(FY2024 Edition)

Data for Each Bank

(compiled based on kessan tanshin (financial reports), etc.)

Summary (1) Deposits, Loans and bills discounted, Securities, Total net assets, Capital stock, and Total assets
Summary (2) (Non-Consolidated)
Net business profit, Ordinary profit, Net income, General and administrative expenses, and Capital Adequacy Ratios
Ordinary profit and Net income attributable to owners of parent
Loans and Bills Discounted (1) Bankrupt and quasi-bankrupt assets, Doubtful assets, Substandard loans, Loans in arrears by 3 months or more and less than 6 months, Restructured Loans, Sub-total, Normal assets, and Total
Loans and Bills Discounted (2) Allowance for general loan losses, Allowance for specific loan losses, Consumer loans, etc. outstanding, Of which, housing loan, and Ratio of loans and bills discounted that are to SMEs, etc.

(Note 1)
"0" when less than the specified unit. Blank when such amount has not been released. "-" when there is no corresponding amount.
(Note 2)
Certain figures are shown after verification and adjustment by the Regional Banks Association of Japan due to differences in the units that banks release their figures in their kessan tanshin (financial reports) (including kessan setsumei shiryo (financial results briefing materials)).

About the Regional Banks Association of Japan / Profile of the Association

The Regional Banks Association of Japan (Zenkoku Chiho Ginko Kyokai, or "Chiginkyo" for short, in Japanese) engages primarily in the following activities to address issues that member banks share:

  • 1.Hold meetings at a range of levels of member banks for the exchange of views on the financial system, financial policy and key tasks facing regional banks, among other topics, and provide advice to relevant parties as needed.
  • 2.Conduct research on new financial instruments and financial services that meet customer needs, as well as studies on measures to improve and streamline banking businesses for the promotion of increasingly efficient management.
  • 3.Survey, research, and gather and prepare materials on Japanese and overseas economic and financial trends and bank management.
  • 4.Organize and implement various types of education for the employees of member banks.

Location: Tokyo Dia Building No.5 5F, 1-28-23 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033, Japan TEL: 03-6262-8250